Why subscribe?
We’ve all heard of “The Great Resignation,” but it is more accurate to call it “The Great Realignment” as people realized life is short and reoriented their lives to honor what was important to them. That led to a lot of resignations, but it also led to a lot of recommitments and renewals within existing employment. The Alignment Show features conversations with guests who have confronted the need to align their lives with their values. As we say, "Live your values and value your life."
Are you assessing your own values and opportunities right now? Are you feeling stuck? What would make you feel as if your life made a difference? On the other hand, are you already joyfully living out your values? In any case, The Alignment Show lets you listen in on and even take part in conversations with people who have taken the leap of faith, done the scary work of bringing their lives into alignment with their values, or have remembered what used to make them want to get up in the morning.
The Alignment Show is a podcast hosted by The Confidence Cultivator, Donn King. Nothing breeds genuine confidence (as opposed to bluster or imposter syndrome) more than identifying what truly matters to you and bringing your life into alignment with that. This show is just one way we can help you build and reinforce your own genuine confidence.
Subscribe now to make sure you don’t miss an episode, and also to make sure you can access resources we talk about and then share in the show notes.
P.S. Have you gone through something like this reassessment already? Did you decide to take a leap of faith? On the other hand, had you lost your gumption but realized that, really, you were already in the right place and recommitted or, maybe, tweaked your life to align more closely with your values? If so, we should probably talk. Just respond here to be considered as a guest, and we'll get back with you.